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David Theodore, Fixed Wireless Innovator

Microwave Bypass and the Start
of Fixed Wireless Access


Communications Week, Sept. 22, 1986, by Jon Swartz. “An Unlikely Couple Form Company to Sell Microwave Ethernet Link


Computer Systems News, Sept. 22, 1986 by Jon Swartz. “An Unlikely Pair Makes Waves at Microwave Bypass Systems”


DataPro Research

Report: “LAN Extension Using Microwave

Network World, Feb. 29, 1988, by Laura DiDio.

LAN Users Look to Microwave Links


LAN Magazine, May 1988, by Patricia Schnaidt.

Microwave LANs: Harvard and BU are Cooking with Microwave LAN Extensions


InfoWorld, Aug. 7, 1989 by Barbara Darrow.

Microwave Link Runs at Ethernet Speed


Network World, Aug. 7, 1989, by Laura DiDio.

Microwave Bypass Upgrades LAN-LINK


Network World, Aug. 21, 1989, by Laura DiDio. "Microwave Technique Extends E-net Links"


PC Week, Oct. 23, 1989, by J.B. Miles.

MBS Adds SNMP to Ethernet Microwave Link"


Government Computer News, Jan. 8, 1990, by J.B. Miles. “Microwave Package Doesn’t Sacrifice Ethernet Speed

Digital News, Mar. 19, 1990 by John Cox.

Microwave Links are Talking LAN-to-LAN


Digital Review, May 7, 1990 by Eric Smalley.

Inexpensive Microwave Ethernet Bridge Replaces T1 Links

LAN Times, Jan. 21, 1991, by Laura DiDio.

Charting the ‘90s Top LAN Contenders.”

Computing Magazine, July 22, 1991.

“CSIRO Pulls off Ethernet Microwave Link Triumph”


Connexions, The Interoperability Report

Editorial Advisory Board Member, Vinton G. Cerf

NEARnet Profile, co-authored by David Theodore

Networking Magazine, July 22, 1991, by Lisa Mitchell. “Microwave Link Proving Cheap—and Rainproof”

SI Business, The Magazine for Canadian Systems Integrators and VARs, Sept. 1992 by James Buckok, “Catch a Wave: Wireless LAN microwave link technology is heading this way.”

Computer Reseller News, May 25, 1992 by Diana Hwang. “Microwave Bypass Upgrades Etherwave Radio Transceiver and adds bridge.”


LAN Times, June 22, 1992, by Patrick Dryden.

Radio Link Between Ethernet Networks Jumps to 15-Miles


LAN Times, Oct. 26, 1992, by Laura DiDio.

Microwave LAN Links Rocket Test Site

LAN Times, Sept. 20, 1993, by Douglas Gold.

“Some Unknown Wireless Product—for Now, That Is”


Communications Week, Mar. 14, 1994, by Laura DiDio. “A Lesson in Saving Money: For school district, microwave net Is a penny saved and a lesson learned”

Computerworld, April 18, 1994, by Stephen P. Klett Jr. “School District Goes Wireless to Link Remote Schools

InfoWorld, Oct. 17, 1994, by Bob Wallace.

“Microwave Radio Challenges Costly Leased-Line Solutions”

Computerworld, Aug. 21, 1995, by Laura DiDio.

Microwave Technology Lures New Users.

(Bill Mountjoy: “I thought the crazy weather patterns in Washington D.C. would disrupt the microwave signal. That hasn’t happened; we’ve had 100% uptime...”)

Computerworld, Feb. 13, 1995, by Laura DiDio.

School Districts Give Microwave Top Marks

Aberdeen Group Profile

An in-depth look at Microwave Bypass conducted by independent analysts at Aberdeen. 



Boston University Re: BETA Test at Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard

Sudbury General Hospital, July 21, 1991

NAVEOTECHDIV, Re: microwave performance and weather, March 28, 1995



ADE Network Newsletter, March/April 1991

CSIRO Biomolecular Research Institute Installs

10Mbps Ethernet Microwave System (Australia)

MIT News, July 14, 1993. BBN to Operate NEARnet



Customer List


Trade and Industry References:

If anyone has a better track record, buy from them.”




Data Communications, July 1991, by David Theodore. “LAN Interconnect Takes to the Airwaves.

LAN Times, Oct. 21, 1991, by David Theodore.

Microwave Proves Beneficial for Networks: Provides high bandwidth, high reliability for a fraction of the cost of laying fiber.”

LAN Times, Jan. 6, 1992, by David Theodore.

Installation of Microwave Not a Mystery

First Technical Overview

“Transmission of LANs between Facilities: Methods and Considerations”


Etherwave Transceiver

Etherwave Transceiver, v. 2

LAN-LINK 1000 Ethernet Bridge

LAN-LINK 1000 Bridge, v. 2

Etherwave LAN Radio



First Ad for Connecting LANs Wirelessly.

Boston Business Journal, December 1987

Full-page ad in Data Communications Magazine.“Connecting your LANs with T1? Don’t waste your time. And money.”

Full-page ad in LAN Magazine.

Is there really an alternative to fiber?”

Print ad for LAN-LINK 1000 Bridge

First “Flyer” to Market Wireless LAN Connectivity

Extend Your Local Area Network Across Town or Across the State

Newsletters to Resellers Describing the Opportunity | First LAN "thought leadership" to wireless VARs | 1986

Interop 90, First Live Internet Access at a Conference. Show floor to San Jose Fairmont and NASA Ames.

First Mail Marketing Piece


Direct Mail Flyer: Featuring NEARnet

“Don’t get tangled up in all the wireless hype!”


Direct Mail Flyer: “The Global Classroom is Here”

Featuring the first K-12 all-wireless network.


Direct Mail Flyer: The Solution for Distance Healthcare. “Full Speed LAN & Real-Time Teleradiology for up to 20-Miles!”


Direct Mailer Design with Return Postage from

Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center


Direct Mail Flyer: The Global Classroom is Here: Computer Networking and Distance Learning For your K-12 Schools


Mailer announcing 1997 Winner of the Computerworld Smithsonian Award, Desert Sands USD, “The Classroom of the 21st Century”



Massachusetts General Hospital

Harvard and Boston University




Mass General Hospital, 06/01/87

Boston University, 06/03/87





MIT Lincoln Laboratories

Edwards Air Force Base [Pic_1] [Pic_2] [Pic_3]

Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center



10Mbps with optional T1/E1 Channel

20Mbps, Extended Distance Configuration



New England Academic & Research Network (ARPANET)

Metro Boston Medical Network:

Early Fixed Wireless and Fiber Optic Backbone

Edwards Air Force Base:

Ethernet, Video/Audio & T1


Letter to Motorola for Market Collaboration, May 1988


Motorola Press Release, June 1988

Re: Licensing/Joint Marketing Agreement


Newsletter, Spring 1989


UltraStar 23GHz LAN Extension Brochure



Testimonial by Jim Seymour, July 21, 2004

“System never gave us a moment of trouble. Ran day and night Through driving snow and torrential rain. Never missed a beat.”

Testimonial by Professor Dave Molta, June 11, 2004. First mention of WISPs.

© 2023 David Theodore
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